Kanzlei Rechtsanwältin Olga Ira Dimopoulou


Rechtsanwältin Olga Ira Dimopoulou

Hohenstaufenring 58
50674 Cologne

Telephone : 0221 / 42042456
Fax : 0221/42042455
E-Mail : info@dimolegal.de

VAT-Nr.: DE 222245022


Athens office:
Neofytou Douka 11
10674 AthenGriechenland
Telefon: 0030 210 3630017


Property damage – liability insurance for lawyers : R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Raiffeisenplatz 1, 65189 Wiesbaden

Olga Ira Dimopoulou is a member of the chamber of lawyers of Cologne (Rechtsanwaltskammer Köln) as a lawyer (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) for the Higher Regional Court circuit Cologne, Riehler Straße 30, 50668 Cologne , Tel. +49 221 973010-0, E-Mail kontakt@rak-koeln.de, www.rak-koeln.de.

As an admitted lawyer in the Hellenic Republic she is a member of the Athens Bar Association (Dikigorikos Syllogos Athinon): Athens Bar Association, 60 Academias Str., 106 79 Athens, Greece

The following rules governing the profession apply:

  • Rules and Regulations for the German Bar (BRAO)
  • Rules of the Lawyer´s Profession (BORA)
  • Law on the Remuneration of Attorneys (RVG)
  • Law regarding the Practice of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG)
  • The Lawyers’ Codex (Greek Law 3026/1954)
  • Deontology Codex of the Lawyers’ Profession (GR)
  • The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE)
  • Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering  (Geldwäschebekämpfungsgesetz)
  • Decree on Special Electronic Mail Boxes of Lawyers (Verordnung über die Rechtsanwaltsverzeichnisse und die besonderen elektronischen Anwaltspostfächer)

All of the above professional regulations are to be found at the website of the German Federal Lawyers’ Association under the entry ‚Berufsrecht’ (http://www.brak.de/fuer-anwaelte/berufsrecht).

In case of disputes between lawyers and their clients, the possibility exists to apply for an out-of-court-dispute settlement before the regional Cologne Bar Association (according to art. 73 para. 2 Nr. 3 in conjunction with art. 73 para. 5 of Federal Lawyers´ Act – BRAO – Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung) or before the arbitration board of the legal profession (acc. To art. 191 of Federal Lawyers`Act – BRAO) at the German Bar Association. You will find this at the website of the German Bar Association. Details can be found here: http://www.brak.de/fuer-verbraucher/schlichtung/schlichtungsstelle-der-rechtsanwaltschaft/

Source of photos:

Pixabay (the photos on the subpages on Commercial Law and Renewable Energy Law)

Anna Papoulias  : Photos from the headers of   “Office”, “Lawyers” and “Areas of Law”, portrait pictures from Olga Dimopoulou

Amanda Dahms: portrait pictures from Vasiliki Filiou

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