Kanzlei Rechtsanwältin Olga Ira Dimopoulou

Presentations & Articles

Lectures and Media Contributions by Olga Ira Dimopoulou
March 2022Presentation on the topic “The operating framework of start-ups in Germany and issues of interest for potential investors” at the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry Webinar on the topic “Greece as a business, investment and work destination: developments and challenges”    
April 2020Webinar on the topic: “Covid19: What are the new German regulations that companies operating in Germany should be aware of?” as part of the webinar series under the aegis of the “AHK Academy” of the German-Greek Chamber of Industry and Commerce, in Greek
May 2019Radio report in WDR2 on the food law classification of honey
December 2018Radio report in WDR Cosmo on the topic “Food waste – what can we do?”
April 2018Lecture on current and legal interests of the sweetener industry” at the annual meeting 2018 of the Süssstoff Verband e.V. in Bergisch Gladbach on 18.04.2018
Februay 2018Lecture on the food law classification of fresh fruit, especially cherries” at the event “The Cherry – Enjoy European Cherries” as part of the Fruit Logistica trade fair in Berlin on 08.02.2018
June 2017
Lecture on the topic “News about food supplements with a focus on cereal products” at the Food Law Day for products from cereals on 19.-20.06.2017 in Detmold
October 2015Organization and management of the food law seminar “Legal and practical advice on food trade in Germany for export-oriented Greek food companies” for members of the Chamber of Commerce of the Laconia Region, GR in the Law Firm Dimolegal.
June 2015 -did not take place-
Co-organizer and planned moderator of the mediation seminar of AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) in Paris
May 2015Lecture on “TTIP under the prism of foodstuffs and medium-sized companies – a short summary” as part of the seminar “New distribution chains of food & beverage: web platform and just in time delivery” in the seminar “What ́s in my bowl? From producer to consumer, quality food for all” by AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) in Milan
February 2015Lecture on “Legal advice regarding the export of food to Germany” as a member of the DHW (German-Hellenic Trade Association) at the Food Expo Greece in Athens
June 2014Lecture on “Wind Energy in Greece: Feed-In-Tariff and current developments” in the seminar “Wind Energy Projects – Stormy Weather or Plain Sailing?” by AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) in Hamburg
March 2013National Reporter for Greece at the annual congress of the AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) in Buenos Aires in September 2013 on the topic: “Geographical Indicators: Champagne, Café de Colombia, Ceylon Tea, Pisco (de Chile o de Perú)… all different products, but similar issues”
March 2010Lecture on the topic: “Renewable Energies: Newest Developments” at the seminar “From Kyoto to Copenhagen – Climate Change and Challenges” by AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) in Düsseldorf
August 2009Lecture on the topic: “Legal Challenges of a Wind-Farm Project: A Company Lawyer’s Point of View” in the workshop: “Green brew or poisoned cocktail: What energy will keep the planet turning?” and organizer of this workshop at the annual congress of AIJA in Budapest
August 2008National Reporter for Greece for the workshop “Is your property defect proof? Buyer’s legal protection in real estate transactions: Gateway to the Promised Land?” at AIJA’s annual congress in Paris
March 2007Presentation of the article “The Health and Nutrition Claims Regulation, (EC) 1924/2006” at the “5th International Congress on Food Technology” in Thessaloniki, Greece.
November 2007
Organizer of the AIJA Semi-Annual Conference in Athens
August 2006Organizer and chairwoman of the workshop “Product Liability: Managing the Risk” of the annual congress of AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) in Geneva.
June 2005Publication of the Greek-language article “The obstacle-rich history of the protected designation of origin of feta cheese based on a fictitious case study” as part of the “4th Panhellenic Exports Development Conference – Developing Exports: The Only Solution” in Thessaloniki, Greece organized by the Exporters’ Association of Northern Greece (SEVE)
February 2005Presentation of the article in Greek “The Legal Frame of the Most Essential and Recent EC Regulations Regarding Genetically Modified Food” at the “4th International Congress on Food Technology” in Piraeus, Greece
Articles and Publications by Olga Ira Dimopoulou
May 2022Article in collaboration with the researh assistant Mrs. Vasiliki Filiou in the framework of the Agri-Food Sector export guide of the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the topic “Food e-commerce in Germany: Everything entrepreneurs need to know”  (https://griechenland.ahk.de/mitglieder/ausschuesse/egcheiridio-exagogon/e-emporio-trofimon-sti-germania)
June 2022Contribution to German law on “How to set up a company in Germany” in English for the international network of lawyers “Legalmondo” (https://www.legalmondo.com/product/how-set-up-company-germany/, )
April 2021
Contribution on www.anwalt.de together with the research assistant Mrs. Vasiliki Filiou: “Which law applies to trade relations between contracting parties from an EU country and a third country?
September 2020Contribution to German law in the “Practical Guide on International Debt Collection” in English in the international lawyer network “Legalmondo”
March 2020Contribution to the question to what extent the coronavirus represents force majeure under Greek law in English in the international lawyer network “Legalmondo”
December 2018Contribution to the new “Packaging Legislation” in English in the international lawyer network “Legalmondo”
2014Author of the essay “Grappa & Co.: New EU regulations on spirits“. The Journal of European Food Law, issue 2/2014, pp. 68-73
Author of the Greek part of the book “National Registration for Producers of Electronic Waste” published by Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
2004Co-author together with Mr. Ulrich C. Feldmann of the article “Gegenproberecht – bei Verletzung: Beweisverbot?”, Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 2004, p. 357.
2003Author of the German part of the book: “E-Commerce in the World – Aspects of Comparative Law, E-Commerce in Germany“, International Grouping of Lawyers, Bruylant, Bruxelles.
2002 – 2012Publication of food law articles in the magazine “Das Griechische Restaurant”